Please enjoy the show:
1. A baby porcupine is called a porcupette
2. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of mites are eating, matings, and living there life on your eyebrows
3. There are unlimited numbers between 0 and 1
4. A billionth of a second is called a nanosecond
5.these facts are fun
6. Sharks can not actually smell blood from a mile away
7. The most trending hashtag is #love
8. The fear of loud chewing is called missphobia
9. In 1972, chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound
10. The weakest currency is
Venezuelan Bolivar, were 1 u.s dollar = 99875 VEF
11. If you break the speed of sound, you will get younger or older, depending on wich way you go
12. The world champion card thrower can strike blood with a card
13. Your ears are made of the same thing as nails.
14. In Egyptian mythology, the 5 children of nut, the sky god, are Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Horus, and nymphios.
15. The largest animal is the blue whale, but the largest organism is the humongous honey fungus.
16. There is a doctor that was gifted with x ray vision.
17. In Iceland, there is a tradition to put water on your eyebrows and hair, then walk outside so it freezes.
18. Georgia Produced more raisins then plum
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