Monday, December 2, 2019

Rating scale

Some of you may have wondered how I rate the books that I read, so here is the rating scale I made. Enjoy:

Perfectly balanced, seven on each side, plus the 😑 in the middle. The 🤬 is obviously if the book was horrible, and 🙃 is obviously the best. I rate it on 3 things. Length, qualities, and well used words. I will give one face for each, and then I will round them up to the face they are closest too. For. Example, a book that is very short, 😡, good quality, 😁, and really good used words, 🙃. I will round the 🙃 with the 😁, and get 😂. But then I will round 😂 with 😡 and get 🙁. I guess it’s not the best book.
                                          With all my gratitude, 🙃


Best break ever! So many things have happened and unfortunately I can’t cover everything, so here is a list:
1.snake shedded skin!
2.decided on name of snake. (Fluffy)
3. Double  night sleepover with cousins!
4. Help cook thanksgiving dinner
5. Help eat thanksgiving dinner. 😑
I am really happy with all of those things I did during this break, but I’m sad my great aunt marry couldn’t come to thanksgiving.
                                                     With love and hope to aunt marry, 🙃